When growing plants, when the light is insufficient, you can use the plant fill light to fill in the plant light. There are a variety of plant fill lights on the market, including LED lights, HID lights, fluorescent lights, HPS and induction lights. These lamps have been used for many years. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. That's why LEDs are the best choice for producing high-quality cannabis.
1. Fluorescent lamps: They are available in tubular form and are usually less expensive. They don't consume much power. However, they require ballasts and other equipment to set up. You can adjust the intensity of the light. In addition to that, fluorescent bulbs don't emit heat, preventing marijuana from burning. They don't provide much light that is important for cannabis growth. Therefore, you must keep the lights close to the plants.
2. Metal halide: Metal halide lamp is a HID lamp used for indoor cultivation of cannabis. These lamps emit an effective blue spectrum during flowering. Metal halide bulbs are not effective at providing the large amounts of blue light that is important for plant growth. And Led grow lights are not only efficient, but also have a wide spectral range to promote plant growth.
3. HPS lamp: The complete form of HPS is high pressure sodium lamp. They are mainly used by cannabis growers when the plants reach the vegetative stage. Also, they are expensive and require ballasts to properly emit light. However, they have a longer durability and also improve the quality of cannabis production. When halogens and metal elements mix with each other, they emit light. They have a broad color spectrum and are effective for growing cannabis. During the vegetative phase, cannabis plants need adequate light for about 16 hours per day. But they don't efficiently produce the blue light that is also necessary for plants.
4. HID Lights: High Intensity Discharge or HID Lights are one of the effective grow lights for producing high quality cannabis. They give off a lot of heat and can affect the leaves of the plant. So the room must be ventilated, otherwise it may overheat. In addition to this, their proper installation is expensive and complicated. Also, you have to change the bulbs regularly to maintain the intensity of the light.
Plant grow light manufacturers
These are the different types of grow lights that can be used to grow cannabis indoors. With the help of new technologies, manufacturers are trying to improve the quality of LED grow lights and make them more efficient. Therefore, LED grow lights are grown indoors